Saturday, May 18, 2024

Changes and updates

 My, my, my. Phew. I needed a change, and I went ahead and unpublished all my old blog posts because I feel like they were weighing me down. Seriously. With that said, I'm coming back with a renewed mindset and ready to get this blog back up to it's previous glory, lol.

Being that this is a weight loss blog, I will update on my weight loss journey here and what that's been like for the past few years. A rollercoaster, I tell you. It has been crazy, truly. I am currently up to almost my heaviest weight, and it has been crazy to see how much I have gained back up. But I'm not stopping my weight loss journey and I'm going to keep trying here. Let's do this!

So, let's get some of the basics out of the way before I get right back into it. I was doing Weight Watchers for a really long time. And I was truly stuck while doing it. I would never stick to the points, and it was just frustrating to have to track everything. So, I stopped. And it has been a gamechanger to do that, truly. I have been able to lose about 10lbs just after stopping Weight Watchers and that is truly amazing, and I'm psyched about it.

I am currently doing a Healthy Wage bet. So, we'll see how that goes. I may need to extend it by 6 months, or I may just let it expire and let all that go. Yes, I find that money motivates me to lose weight but, it truly is ridiculous for me to pay into a bet to lose weight. Why? Because it really is a weight on me to lose the weight and it is a lot of pressure on me to succeed to make the bet. I'd rather just do this on my own. So, I may let it expire and just continue doing what I'm doing.

I'm an It Works! Independent Distributor so, with that said... I'm going to start trying their products to help me with my weight loss. I have already been using the hair supplements on my hair growth journey but, I am going to start incorporating the weight loss supplements. Specifically, the 30 Day Drop with the BRN+. If you'd like more information on any of the It Works! products, you can check out my site here: For my confidence.

That's going to be the update for today. I'll come back at a later time and write my weight, measurements, and goals here. And I will post pictures of my progress as I begin to use the It Works! products. Stay tuned for all of that coming soon.

It will be until next time.

Friday, February 9, 2024

This page is a work in progress...

Stay tuned for new updates coming soon.
For now, you can find me on
IG and Facebook -- @formyconfidencezg.